For in-house pharmacy services please visit our Specialty & Urgent Care Departments at 5 Cornerstone Square, Suite 203, Westford, MA 01886

Veterinary Pharmacy

In-House Pharmacy

Our fully stocked in-house pharmacy is another one of our commitments to your pet's health.

For pets who are difficult to medicate, let us flavor their prescription with such tempting choices as: chicken pot pie, fish chowder, peanut butter, red angus beef, apple, crispy bacon, salmon, molasses or banana bread.

Before your pet is discharged, you will receive detailed instructions and learn about any potential side effects or interactions.

We encourage you to always purchase medications from the veterinary practice that prescribes them. You can trust every medication we dispense to be the correct dose and in the right form for your pet. All our medications come from safe, reliable sources and are stored under optimal conditions.

For any medication ordered from an online pharmacy, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cautions pet owners to:

  • A — Ask your veterinarian
  • W — Watch for red flags
  • A — Always check for site accreditation
  • R — Report problems and suspicious pharmacies
  • E — Educate yourself about online pet pharmacies